STEC Shines at CINTAG 5GT 2024: A Showcase of Innovation and Excellence
The event, held from October 10th to 12th, 2024, at the Neomundo Convention Center in Bucaramanga, was a hub of geoinformatics, territorial management, and applied technologies in topography and geosciences.

STEC LATAM's Sales Director, Gabriel, delivered a keynote speech on the theme of "Advances in IMU Sensors and Their New Applications in Topography", which highlighted the latest breakthroughs in inertial measurement technology and how these innovations are transforming the field of topography.

The audience appreciated the insights and the practical demonstrations of STEC's cutting-edge technology. Not only showcased STEC's expertise but also our role as a leader in pushing the boundaries of what's possible with IMU sensors in topography and beyond.

We’re excited to have participated in this impactful event—huge thanks to our local dealer for their exceptional representation!